The white hole - A theory concepts

The white hole -  A theory concepts

Baperookamo, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

From Einstein's theory in mathematics, in the theory of general relativity, it is a rare item, a white hole. The white hole, the twins, the black hole was first invented in the 18th century, the geologist John Mitchell. In those days, the black hole, which is not considered to be a real Einstein-so, it was believed that they did not exist. At the same time, Einstein's general theory of relativity predicts the path of a concept called a white hole. More specifically, it is the mathematics of the general theory of relativity says that the white hole is possible. If you have to take the math of a black hole, and literally, turn on it, and you will get a white hole. Or even a white hole is a black hole for time. Thus, the black hole will not allow a non-issue for the end of a question of crossing the event horizon, an imaginary boundary around a black hole, and there is no matter, it can end whenever possible. So, take the opposite of that. As far as the hole has a horizon, which is the events of the black hole, but no matter, you can enter it. So, in order to pull all of the material, and, as it passes through the event horizon of the black hole in the white matter of the initial question, and the question is, can never enter there. 

 Now, you may have noticed that I have said that black holes are just to soak up the material as the material passes through the event horizon. It is very important that this gap exists. Black holes do not suck up some of the really interesting things as well. They are just the same as all the others, very much so when it comes down to the exhibition. The only difference is that we have a black hole has an event horizon. If you are magically replaced the sun with a black hole with the same mass as the sun, and everything that orbits around our solar system to rotate, just like it did when it was there. The only difference is that the sun will never be released again, because there is no sun, and it's all life on the planet is going to die. However, please understand that this is an issue. Just as the material passes quite close to the black hole, the rate of which is necessary to finish already the speed of light, it is impossible to move faster than the speed of light. It is often said to be a once-in-a-black-hole, you're going to stay there forever, and even if this is true, in the sense that you are never going to go away and die for the spaghetti, this is not true of the black hole live, on a permanent basis because they are not. Like everything else in the universe will ultimately disappear, or rather, it will come. This is due to the Hawking radiation of the sun. 

Virtual particles are constantly popping up all around us. It is often said that the will of the particle and the antiparticle pairs. After existing for a very short period of time, the two particles recombine and annihilate each other. Now, if a pair of particles is shown at the event horizon, and some of them will fall to the bottom of the black hole, and the second one is to go out into space to be the real deal. And when the shape of the particles to escape the black hole loses a small amount of its own energy and is therefore a part of its mass, since mass and energy are related by Einstein's equation, E = mc2 . In principle, each of] The rights to, so that, the virtual particles generated at the event horizon of a black hole will eventually evaporate into nothing, but over a very long period of time. So, it turns out that all you need to do in order to defeat the black hole is to kill it. No other way to kill the black hole, the others have to wait forever for the Hawking radiation, in order to make his point. We would do well to pay attention to the fact that the white hole, the rules are entirely theoretical. Basically, a mathematician, is a white a-hole, and they can, in theory, exist only for as long as the event horizon of a white hole, there is not a single particle of matter. Also, a hydrogen atom can pass through the a section, the whole thing falls apart. 

Some of the theories about the white hole. One of them is the fact that the singularity of the black hole compressed to the smallest area, and after the bounce, the white hole. However, when you consider that the time dilation effect, even with a low-mass black hole would take billions of years for it to bounce back as a white hole. Used black hole, which occurred immediately after the big bang, the-a day to explode like a white hole. However, keep in mind the Hawking radiation, the black hole would have already evaporated, and in particular, the low-mass ones, as the black hole, it will have to be quicker than the bigger one. Another theory is that the white hole could be a possible explanation for the Big Bang. But, as I've already pointed out, the white hole is most likely just a theory and don't exist just to understand that, in our imaginations, it can be the same for the Kugelblitz worm holes, for example. The comments section below, if you believe that there is a white hole, or not. That's all, thank you.


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